Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Unsaid by Neil Abramson


Fairytails - Book Review

To all the pet lovers out there, Unsaid by Neil Abramson is a very heart-warming and touching book. I highly recommend it and I hope Neil writes more novels in the future! If you want to purchase this book, click here!

A vet dies and finds herself struggling to leave the world behind. She is unsure whether she made enough of an impact and contributions towards animal's lives prior to dying from breast cancer. As she watches her husband struggle with all her problematic animals and to move on past her death, she slowly realizes that maybe it's time for her to let go...

Bye for now.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Fairytails

La di da... Welcome to The Fairytails!

So as you all know, I love to eat and I love to read. T and I decided it would be awesome to start a YouTube channel The Fairytails - featuring our favourite books (and some not so favourites...) and our cats! We wanted a space where we can share the joy of reading and the silly antics of our cats with all our friends and other pet lovers our there. I hope you guys enjoy these videos because we had so much fun making them!

Check out our blog please on Tumblr - The Fairytails

Bye for now!